Are you looking for High Quality Franchise Leads? You are at the right website. There is a big difference between buying leads and renting leads. Ever stopped to consider that 99% of the lead providers out there send multiple emails to the leads AFTER they sell them to you?
This is called “Renting”. If you owned the lead they would not be able to email the lead after selling it to you right? Think about it, if you paid for the lead then you own it right? If you own it, why are they still emailing your leads AFTER you pay them for the lead???
Renting leads means that the lead provider can do whatever they want with the lead after you pay them.
And boy do they do it. 11 years ago I filled out a form on 1 franchise lead website and still receive multiple emails from that source 11 years later! The email address I used was only created for that lead source and has not been used for anything else ever. The ONLY thing I used that email address for was that lead source.
To this day I still get dozens of emails with subjects like: “Franchises to choose from” – “Franchises in your area” – “Low cost Franchises” – “Franchises that match” etc… It never ends.
Stop Renting leads. This drives the quality down. If you were a Franchise buyer and received dozens to hundreds of emails after filling out a form, would you be excited?
Here is another scenario: You just receive the lead today, that lead may have been entered into the cycle 4 years ago and has been bombarded with emails since then, you are Franchise #72 that they received as a “suggested franchise”. Think that is a good quality lead?
No wonder those types of leads take 300+ to close a deal.
Need High Quality Franchise Leads? We should talk. We NEVER resell or remarket to the leads that YOU OWN. You pay us one time for a lead. We don’t touch that lead ever again for any reason.
Good Franchise Buyer Leads are hard to find. Why are you still RENTING your leads?